Community event support program

I will explain about the community event support program. This program is a program to support and promote the holding of events such as community competitions and off-events. Please apply for the event on the official Discord # support-program channel.

The official Discord is here.

*For events that have been applied or declared before the above change, the previous support content will be applied

Contents of support program and support conditions

・Distribution to organizers is limited to one per event.

・Community support program (online coliseum) is available for events lasting less than 3 hours.

・Promotional cards for events with 32 or more participants but less than 63 participants: 2 cards

・Promotional cards for events with 64 or more participants: 4 cards

※Cancellations can be made before the event is held.

Available Promo Cards (2024_4/1-9/30)

Available Promo Cards (2024_1/1-3/31)

Available Promo Cards (2022_8/6-)

Available Promo Cards (2021_10/1-12/31)

Available Promo Cards (2021_10/1-12/31)

Available Promo Cards (2021_7/1-9/30)

Available Promo Cards (2021_4/1-6/30)

Support program availability

  • Tournament using the Coliseum function: Applicable

  • Tournament without Coliseum function: Applicable

  • When conducting a small match plan multiple times over a long period of time: The number of participants can be counted and applied as a one-month plan.

  • A project that only distributes gifts on Twitter: Not applicable

  • Others: The operation team will examine the contents and judge whether it is applicable.

How to apply to receive support

This chapter describes the flow from application of support program to receipt of support.

For applications after July 1, 2020, advance event schedule registration is required.

1: Event schedule registration

Register events in advance in the event schedule (in-game calendar) on the top page.

You can register by clicking the button with the "+" mark just below "Event Schedule".

The following contents are necessary for event registration.

① Event title ② Event title (English) ③ Link (If there is no event announcement article, you can link to the battle page) ④ Thumbnail image (16:9 image is recommended) ⑤ Start date and time (UTC+0900) ⑥End time (It can be an all-day event)

The image size used for thumbnails is assumed to be approximately 288 pixels wide x 162 pixels high.

We recommend that you register the event schedule at least 3 days before the event starts.

2: Application

Please apply on the "#support-program" channel of the official Cryptospells Discord before the event starts. The management staff will check the content and notify you on Discord that the application has been accepted.

The official Discord is here.

Applications can be made once per month (per group). If the application is submitted before the event starts, the community event support program will be applicable even after the application is accepted by the management staff.

Please include the following details when applying. ① Event name ② Date and time ③Organizer name and user ID ④ Event summary ⑤ Purpose of holding ⑥ Reward distribution target

3: Report

When the event is over, please report on the channel of "#support-program" together with the number of participants, the names of all the people who will be distributed with the promo card, and the user IDs.

*The event organizer will be in charge of how to distribute the promotional card etc. of the support contents. Cryptospells management is not responsible for troubles caused by distribution method etc.

4: Sending a promotional card

Based on the report, the management will grant a promotional card for the support program.

*It may take some time to give a promotion card.


  • Support items and promotion cards will change depending on the season.

  • In response to soaring Gas prices, promotional cards have been granted directly to those who have been given distribution.

  • Distribution of the promotion card to the participants and the selection method are left to the organizer.

Requests for Community Tournament Participants

Regarding the operation of the community tournament, the operation of CryptoSpells will not be actively involved except for support, but as an opinion to reduce the burden on the organizer, improve the experience of participants, and hold a smooth tournament. I will post this article.

① Request for delegation of decision-making authority for the tournament to the organizer

The community tournament is held "without participation fee", and the organizer "holds" the "management" and "management and expenses" (including time required for operation preparation as well as money). For this reason, it is recommended that the rules of the tournament and the right to decide on the outcome be delegated to the organizer. In addition, there may be occasions when it is difficult to be satisfied with the decision, but we hope that you will be able to participate after understanding the possibility.

With the play history playback function, we have added a function that allows the organizer to make a decision, so we hope that you can use it as a source of judgment.

② Request for manners and compliance with the Terms of Service

At the tournament, we ask you to play fairly.

Also, during the tournament, you may get heated, but please refrain from violating the terms of service such as rants.

③ Request for bugs

I'm sorry that the tournament was hindered by bugs caused by our company. I will try for improvement. If this occurs, please follow the rules and judgments specified by the organizer.

④Request for understanding the convention rules in advance

Many CryptoSpells community tournaments use not only a general tournament format but also a Swiss draw format (multiple matches are played even if you lose in the first match). For the smooth progress of the tournament, please understand the rules of the tournament in advance.

Last but not least, we will continue to support the operation team so that we can hold a better community tournament.

Last updated