Past Voting Archives 2020

This is a record of governance votes and parameter adjustment votes that have been held in the game in the past.

Parameter Votes 2020 January(1/1 9:00-24:00)

Period 01/01 0:00 - 24:00

※You vote only once every topic. Your voting score should be reflected in the vote. ※Those who registerd within the last 24 hours won't be able to participate in the on-going votes.

Weakening Adjustment

Searing Dead 2cs 3/2 Summon: Deal 2 damage to all leaders. Proposer: Ash@灰色の戦士#012553 Result: 12960

Searing Dead 2cs 3/2 Summon: Deal 3 damage to your leader. Deal 2 damage to enemy leader. Proposer: soramaru#003699 Result: 14354

Hellfire Storm 5cs 2 damage to all enemy units. Proposer: Hikaru#000176 Result: 43562

Goblin Fireworks 1cs Total 5 damage to random characters. Proposer: かぼちゃ#010509 Result: 8520

Magic flame 5cs Deal 8 damage to an enemy minion. Deal 1 damage to an enemy leader. Proposer: jmaru@Gaudiy#003567 Result: 22214

Digestion 1cs Destroy a random friendly unit. Draw 2 cards. Proposer: Cryptospells Result: 17721

No change Result: 14359

Reinforcement Adjustment

Club Thief 2cs 2/1 Summon a copy of yourself at end of turn. Proposer: Ash@灰色の戦士#012553 Result: 16225 337 1 Mega Thunderfish

4cs 4/3 Summon: Add a Lightning Bottle to your hand. Proposer: soramaru#003699

Result: 11301 390 Researcher Grusbalesta

3cs 2/4 Summon: When there is another friendly witch, add a Mana Crystal to your hand. Proposer: Hikaru#000176 Result: 30529

Club Thief 2cs 1/2 Summon a copy of yourself at end of turn. Proposer: かぼちゃ#010509 Result: 24604

Mega Thunderfish 4cs 5/2 Summon: Add a Lightning Bottle to your hand. Proposer: jmaru@Gaudiy#003567 Result: 20764

Ancient Egg 1cs 0/2 Deathrattle: Summon a neutral beast. This unit can not attack. Proposer: Cryptospells Result: 20254

No change Result: 9391

Suggestions from Cryptspells

Angler Panda (Nerf) 3cs 1/1 Deathrattle: Draw 2 cards. Agree:41567 Disagree:86846

Minglin Pterosaur (Buff) 4cs 4/3 Double attack Agree:41949 Disagree:86614

Parameter Revotes 2020 January(1/4 9:00-24:00)

Period 01/04 0:00 - 24:00

※You vote only once every topic. Your voting score should be reflected in the vote. ※Those who registerd within the last 24 hours won't be able to participate in the on-going votes.

Weakening Adjustment

Searing Dead

2cs 3/2 Summon: Deal 2 damage to all leaders. Proposer: Ash@灰色の戦士#012553 Result: 15949

Searing Dead 2cs 3/2 Summon: Deal 3 damage to your leader. Deal 2 damage to enemy leader. Proposer: soramaru#003699 Result: 11327

Hellfire Storm 5cs 2 damage to all enemy units. Proposer: Hikaru#000176 Result: 62018

Goblin Fireworks 1cs Total 5 damage to random characters. Proposer: かぼちゃ#010509 Result: 13761

Magic flame 5cs Deal 8 damage to an enemy minion. Deal 1 damage to an enemy leader. Proposer: jmaru@Gaudiy#003567 Result: 15736

Digestion 1cs Destroy a random friendly unit. Draw 2 cards. Proposer: Cryptospells Result: 13515

No change Result: 9035

Parameter Votes 2020 February(2/1 9:00-24:00)

Period 02/01 0:00 - 24:00

※You vote only once every topic. Your voting score should be reflected in the vote. ※Those who registerd within the last 24 hours won't be able to participate in the on-going votes.

Weakening Adjustment

Blessing of the Sun 1 Cost Give a friendly unit +0/+3. Proposer: poterus #000540 Result: 3255

Howling 3 Cost Give all friendly units +1 / +1. Proposer: ripple24nt #006643 Result: 9837

Soldier Ambush 2 Cost Give all friendly units +2 / +0. Deal 1 damage to all friendly unit. Proposer: メイルス #000907 Result: 30993

Club Thief 2 Cost 2/1 At the end of the turn this minion was summoned recruit a copy of itself. Proposer: 相対性理論 #003249 Result: 43674

Club Thief 2 Cost 1/1 At the end of the turn this minion was summoned recruit a copy of itself. Proposer: jmaru@Gaudiy/ぶろげーTV #003567 Result: 61756

Magic flame 5 Cost Deal 8 damage to an enemy minion. Deal 1 damage to an enemy leader. Proposer: Cryptospells Result: 4667

No change Result: 4821

Reinforcement Adjustment

Flame Mage 3 Cost 3/2 Summon:Deal 5 damage to an enemy minion with Frontline. Proposer: poterus #000540 Result: 13650

Lightning Cave 2 Cost Add 2 Thunderfish to your hand. Proposer: ripple24nt #006643 Result: 15815

Wind Clad Elf 3 Cost 1/1 Summon: Add 2 Sacred Elf and Green Magic Bottle to your hand. Proposer: メイルス #000907 Result: 21085

Light fairy 1 Cost 1/2 Summon: Restore 2 Health to a friendly character. Recruit 0/2 Tinker Bells. Proposer: 相対性理論 #003249 Result: 73450

Mega Thunderfish 4 Cost 5/2 Summon: Add a Lightning Bottle to your hand. Proposer: jmaru@Gaudiy/ぶろげーTV #003567 Result: 7451

Researcher Grusbalesta 3 Cost 1/5 Summon: When there is another friendly witch, add a Mana Crystal to your hand. Proposer: Cryptospells Result: 17235

No change Result: 7594

Suggestions from Cryptspells

Black Goat (Buff) 6/1/2 Summon:Destroy an enemy minion with Frontline. Agree:72568 Disagree:73639

Black Fang Tyrannosaurus (Remake) 5/6/6Summon: Deal 3 damage to friendly leader. Agree:89496 Disagree:53958

Parameter Votes 2020 March(3/1 9:00-24:00)

Period 03/01 0:00 - 24:00

※You vote only once every topic. Your voting score should be reflected in the vote. ※Those who registerd within the last 24 hours won't be able to participate in the on-going votes.

Weakening Adjustment

Howling 3 Cost Give all friendly units +1/+1. Proposer: エノモト@ぶろげーTV #000540 Result: 24342

Flame Wind Corps 2Cost 1/1 Turn end: Recruit a 1/1 Flame Wind Soldier. Proposer: ホトトギス #010007 Result: 102383

Flame Wind Corps 2Cost 2/1 Turn end: Recruit a 1/1 Flame Wind Soldier. Proposer: Hikaru #000176 Result: 19238

Flame Wind Corps 1Cost 0/1 Turn end: Recruit a 1/1 Flame Wind Soldier. Proposer: クリスペ万事塞翁が馬#003249 Result: 24626

Wind Clad Elf 4 Cost 1/2 Summon: add 2 Sacred Elfs to your hand. Proposer: Cryptospells Result: 2526

No change Result: 1929

Reinforcement Adjustment

Hellfire Storm 4Cost 2 damage to all enemy units. Proposer: エノモト@ぶろげーTV #000540 Result: 29038

Researcher Grusbalesta 2Cost 1/3 Summon: When there is another friendly witch, add a Mana Crystal to your hand. Proposer: ホトトギス #010007 Result: 39581

Member of Generous Robbers 1Cost 1/1 Deathrattle: Gain an empty Mana Crystal. Proposer: Hikaru #000176 Result: 55403

Sand surtr 8Cost 9/10 Turn end:Deal 1 danage to this minion. Proposer: クリスペ万事塞翁が馬#003249 Result: 9739

Mega Thunderfish 4Cost 4/3 Summon: Add a Lightning Bottle to your hand. Proposer: Cryptospells  Result: 26617

No change Result: 15147

Suggestions from Cryptspells

Green Paradise (Weakening) 1Cost 0/3 Cannot attack Turn end:Give +0/+1 to a random friendly minion apart from land. Agree:133505 Disagree:37762

Soldier Ambush (Adjustment) 4Cost Give all friendly units +3/+0. Agree:93804 Disagree:77288

Soulless Soldier (Weakening) 1Cost 1/3 Summon: Deal 3 damage to leader. Agree:96224 Disagree:73883

Rock Giant (Adjustment) 2Cost 1/3 Frontline Agree:119285 Disagree:51977

Parameter Votes 2020 April (4/1 9:00-24:00)

Period 04/01 0:00 - 24:00

※You vote only once every topic. Your voting score should be reflected in the vote. ※Those who registerd within the last 24 hours won't be able to participate in the on-going votes.

①Weakening Adjustment

Holy Bolt 3Cost Deal 1 damage to all enemy minions. Restore 1 Health to all friendly minions. Proposer: kamatomo@lupuScythe#007330 Result: 15391

Member of Generous Robbers 3Cost 1/3 Summon: Gain an empty mana. Proposer: ハンプティ次郎#012668 Result: 45878

Member of Generous Robbers 2Cost 1/2 Deathrattle: Gain an empty mana. Proposer: GurenV6#014506 Result: 40768

Blessing of the Sun 1Cost Give a friendly minion +0/+3. Proposer: タカマル#010969 Result: 15143

Member of Generous Robbers 2Cost 1/1 Deathrattle: Gain an empty mana. Proposer: Cryptospells Result: 57063

No change Result: 12502

Reinforcement Adjustment

Flame Wind Corps 1Cost 1/1 Rapid Proposer: kamatomo@lupuScythe#007330 Result: 16157

Researcher Grusbalesta 1Cost 1/1 Summon:When there is another friendly witch, add a Mana Crystal to your hand. Proposer: ハンプティ次郎#012668 Result: 76760

Crab Thief 1cost 1/1 At the end of turn this minion summoned, recruit a 1/1 Crab Thief. Proposer: GurenV6#014506 Result: 31276

Priest of Darkness 4Cost 1/1 Summon: Deal -3/-3 to an enemy minion.  Proposer: タカマル#010969 Result: 9643

Burning Death 2Cost Destroy all minions with an Attack of 1 or less. Proposer: Cryptospells Result: 21973

No change Result: 26274

③Suggestion from Cryptospells

Pride of the Knight(Weakening) 2Cost Change a friendly minion`s Attack to be equal to its Health.

Agree:79994 Disagree:101615 Spear of the Valkyries(Weakening) 3Cost Destory an enemy minion with an Attack of 3 or less.

Agree:68858 Disagree:112751 Blessing of the Sun(Weakening) 1Cost Give a friendly minion +0/+3.

Agree:126184 Disagree:55164 Dragoon of Certo(Adjustment) 3Cost 1/1 Summon: Deal 3 damage to a minion.

Agree:101086 Disagree:78305

NFT Hard-Fork Votes (4/18 9:00-24:00)

Final vote April Period 04/18 0:00 - 24:00 Total asset value 8943 ※You vote only once every topic. Your voting score should be reflected in the vote. ※Those who registerd within the last 24 hours won't be able to participate in the on-going votes.

Yuki, the Cat Magic Knight Do you agree with the weakening (hard fork) of "Cat Ear Magic Knight Yuki"?

Agree:123993 Disagree:54417

Parameter Votes 2020 May(5/1 9:00-24:00)

Final vote April Period 05/01 0:00 - 24:00 Total asset value 8943 ※You vote only once every topic. Your voting score should be reflected in the vote. ※Those who registerd within the last 24 hours won't be able to participate in the on-going votes.

①Weakening Adjustment 403 Digestion

2Cost Destroy a friendly minion to draw 2 cards.

Result: 43848 346 Light fairy

1Cost 1/1 Summon: Restore 2 Health to a friendly character.Recruit a 0/2 Tinker Bell.

Result: 74028 351 1 Magician of the Wolf

2Cost 1/1 Deathrattle: Summon 2 Skeleton Knights.

Result: 54280 Cardback No change

Result: 29676 ②Suggestion from Cryptospells Ancient Egg (Reinforcement) 2Cost 0/2 Cannot attack Deathrattle: Recruit a neutral beast.

Agree:92738 Disagree:105203 Realm of Evolution (Weakening) 3Cost Give a friendly unit +1/+1. Draw a card.

Agree:110506 Disagree:87935 Spear of the Valkyries (Weakening) 3Cost Destroy an enemy minion with an Attack of 3 or less.

Agree:122218 Disagree:78302 Erupting Volcano (Adjustment) 0Cost 0/2 Cannot attack Turn end:Deal 1 damage to a random minion apart from land.

Agree:120276 Disagree:79356

Parameter Votes 2020 June (6/1 9:00-24:00) Period 06/01 0:00 - 24:00 Total asset value 8943 ※You vote only once every topic. Your voting score should be reflected in the vote. ※Those who registerd within the last 24 hours won't be able to participate in the on-going votes.

①Weakening Adjustment 346web en Light Fairy(Weakening) 2 Cost 1/1 Summon: Restore 2 Health to a friendly character. Recruit a 0/2 Tinker Bell.

Agree:97710 Disagree:100681 ②Suggestion from Cryptospells 383web en Flying Dragon in Kunlun(Reinforcement) 5 Cost 3/8 Jump over

Agree:83980 Disagree:115512 396web en Boar Stampede(Reinforcement) 6 Cost 3/2 Tune end: Recruit a 3/2 Boar Stampede.

Agree:92571 Disagree:106632 386web en Shackle of Mist(Reinforcement) 4 Cost Recruit 3 0/3 Mists with Frontline.

Agree:83319 Disagree:116174 338web en Magical power(Weakening) 6 Cost Deal 6 damage randomly split among enemy minions.

Agree:138727 Disagree:60784 Parameter Votes 2020 July (7/1 9:00-24:00)

Final vote April Period 07/01 0:00 - 24:00 Total asset value 8943 ※You vote only once every topic. Your voting score should be reflected in the vote. ※Those who registerd within the last 24 hours won't be able to participate in the on-going votes.

①Weakening Adjustment 351web en Magician of the Wolf(Weakening) 2Cost 1/1 Deathrattle: Recruit 2 1/1 skeleton knights.

Agree:115750 Disagree:144979 351web en Magician of the Wolf(Weakening) 4Cost 2/1 Deathrattle: Recruit 3 1/1 skeleton knights.

Agree:104177 Disagree:155327 Images en web card403 Digestion(Weakening) 2 Cost Destroy a friendly minion to draw 2 cards.

Agree:137341 Disagree:118890 ②Suggestion from Cryptospells Images en web card437 Wave Elemental(Reinforcement) 5 Cost 3/3 Summon: Get 3 manas.

Agree:174132 Disagree:94205 Images en web card147 Merfork Healer(Reinforcement) 0 Cost 0/1 Summon: Restore 3 Health to a friendly minion.

Agree:167299 Disagree:103693 Images en web card440 Mightcater(Reinforcement)4Cost 3/4 Summon: Give a friendly beast +1/+1.

Agree:148682 Disagree:119553 402web en Sand Surtr(Reinforcement) 8 Cost 10/10 Turn end: Deal 2 damage to this minion.

Agree:148507 Disagree:119738

Parameter Votes 2020 August (8/1 0:00-24:00)

Final vote April Period 08/01 0:00 - 24:00 Total asset value 8943 ※You vote only once every topic. Your voting score should be reflected in the vote. ※Those who registerd within the last 24 hours won't be able to participate in the on-going votes.

①Suggestion from Cryptospells (Weakening) 2205web en Fairies of Alberich 2 Cost Recruit 2 1/1 Sacred Elves.

Agree:162135 Disagree:93589 2206web en [Developed]Fairies of Alberich  4 Cost Recruit 4 1/1 Sacred Elves.

Agree:164398 Disagree:94906 ②Suggestion from Cryptospells (Reinforcement) 2011web en [Developed]FalteGoltz Equipment 3 Cost Give a friendly minion +4/+0. Draw a card.

Agree:111914 Disagree:143740 2106web en [Developed]Shaela`s Treasure Chest 2 Cost Draw 3 cards.

Agree:141883 Disagree:113540 2210web en Alberich Diploid  7 Cost Double the Attack and Health of all friendly minions.

Agree:99167 Disagree:158123 2211web en [Developed]Alberich Diploid 4 Cost Double the Attack and Health of all minions.

Agree:73166 Disagree:183589 2401web en [Developed]Lich Poisonous Breath 2 Cost Give an enemy minion -3/-3.

Agree:117590 Disagree:138683 2411web en [Developed]The Curse of Lich 8 Cost Deal 10 damage to the enemy hero only when the number of cards in your graveyard is 15 or more.

Agree:124658 Disagree:131659

Parameter Votes 2020 September (9/1 0:00-24:00)

Final vote April Period 09/01 0:00 - 24:00 Total asset value 8943 ※You vote only once every topic. Your voting score should be reflected in the vote. ※Those who registerd within the last 24 hours won't be able to participate in the on-going votes.

①Suggestion from Cryptospells (Weakening) Images en web card464 Enlarge 4 Cost Give all fairies +2/+2.

Agree:201680 Disagree:70562 Images en web card471 Unceasing Golem 5 Cost 3/3 Shield1 Deathrattle: Add an Unceasing Golem to your hand.

Agree:198873 Disagree:67715 ②Suggestion from Cryptospells (Reinforcement) Images en web card420 Exorcist 3 Cost 6/2

Agree:124194 Disagree:146586 Images en web card419 Miracle Land 2 Cost 0/6 Cannot attack Turn end: Restore 1 Health to all friendly characters.

Agree:110837 Disagree:161270 Images en web card407 Scythe of the Reaper 6 Cost Destroy an enemy minion.

Agree:119745 Disagree:153066 Images en web card369 Black Goat 6 Cost 2/2 Summon: Destroy an enemy minion with Frontline.

Agree:165566 Disagree:105506

Parameter Votes 2020 October (10/1 0:00-24:00)

Final vote April Period 10/01 0:00 - 24:00 Total asset value 8943 ※You vote only once every topic. Your voting score should be reflected in the vote. ※Those who registerd within the last 24 hours won't be able to participate in the on-going votes.

①Suggestion from Cryptospells (Weakening) Images en web card346 Light Fairy /Change the card ability to " Summon: Recruit a 0/2 Tinker Bell. "

The usage rate is 81.1%, which is significantly higher than the average of bronze cards. We propose a change to a simple ability that is easy to understand while weakening. Sound effect will be changed according to the card ability.

Agree:182957 Disagree:120747 Images en web card332 Searing Dead /Change the card ability " Summon: Deal 2 damage to each hero. "

The usage rate is 90%, which is significantly higher than the bronze average. We propose a change to a simpler ability that is easy to understand while weakening.

Agree:180014 Disagree:125277 ②Suggestion from Cryptospells (Reinforcement) Images en web card439 Shockwave /Change the card ability to " Return an enemy minion to opponent player`s hand."

Usage rate 0.4%. At the time of release, I was wary of the strength of the ability to "return to hand" and set the mana ratio of the ability high. We will change to the ability to have an appropriate mana ratio.

Agree:182273 Disagree:122376 Images en web card423 Apprentice Necromancer /Change the card ability to" Summon : Spend 1 of your graveyard to add a Black Magic Bottle".

Usage rate 0%. In Crypto Spells, which aims for a simple game with few card types, we aim for a usage rate of 2% as the basic card of the black civilization.

Agree:251019 Disagree:53475 Images en web card409 Herald of Giants /Change the card from ”Red civilization" to " Neutral" card.

We propose to change to a neutral card, assuming that the deck construction range will expand in each civilization.

Agree:250747 Disagree:53076 Images en web card435 Ethereal Devourer/ Change the card civilization and race from" Blue/Demon " to " Neutral/Fairy ".

Usage rate 0%. By changing the civilization, we aim to use 1% as a neutral basic card in Crypto Spells, which aims for a simple game with few card types.

Agree:194744 Disagree:104606 Images en web card418 Acolyte of Halos /Change the card civilization from " White " to " Neutral ".

We propose to change to a neutral card, assuming that the deck construction range will expand in each civilization.

Agree:208902 Disagree:96093

Parameter Votes 2020 November (11/1 0:00-24:00)

Final vote April Period 11/01 0:00 - 24:00 Total asset value 8943 ※You vote only once every topic. Your voting score should be reflected in the vote. ※Those who registerd within the last 24 hours won't be able to participate in the on-going votes.

①Suggestion from Cryptospells (Weakening) Images en web card302 Fencer / Change the card ability to " Summon: Deal 1 damage to an enemy minion. "

Since the hiring rate is 61.5% and the winning rate is 52.1%, which deviates from the average of bronze, we propose weakening according to the guidelines. Please consider that if passed, bronze cards and NFT promo cards will have different abilities.

Agree:83156 Disagree:236983 ②Suggestion from Cryptospells (Reinforcement) Images en web card421 Bog Wisps / Change the card civilization from " Black " to " Neutral ".

We propose to change to a neutral card, assuming that the deck construction range will expand in each civilization.

Agree:250357 Disagree:58685 Images en web card408 Specter /Changed status from "4/1/3" to "4/1/4"

In CryptoSpells, which aims for a simple game with few card types, we aim for a 1% adoption rate as the basic card of the black civilization.

Agree:210332 Disagree:101639 Images en web card370 Venomous Scorpion /Change status from "3/1/2" to "3/2/2"

Recruitment rate 0.7%, win rate 40.7%. We aim for a 2% adoption rate as a neutral basic card with Poison fung. Also, if this adjustment is passed, the ability of Freyla's Cryptospell will also be adjusted.

Agree:131391 Disagree:176984

Parameter Votes 2020 December (12/1 0:00-24:00)

Period 12/01 0:00 - 24:00 Total asset value 8943 ※You vote only once every topic. Your voting score should be reflected in the vote. ※Those who registerd within the last 24 hours won't be able to participate in the on-going votes.

Overall policy of adjustment The green civilization had the highest win rate of 54.3%, and the white civilization had the lowest win rate of 47.1%. We will propose an adjustment plan with a policy of weakening the green civilization and strengthening the white civilization.

①Suggestion from Cryptospells (Weakening) Images en web card341 Howling / Change the card cost from " 2 " to " 3 ".

The hiring rate is 84.7% and the winning rate is 56.1%, which is significantly higher than the average of bronze cards. We propose weakening in line with the card environmental policy that should be maintained in the parameter adjustment guidelines.

Agree:185274 Disagree:128000 ②Suggestion from Cryptospells (Reinforcement) Images en web card447 Shield Wall / Change the card ability to " Give 3 random friendly soldiers +0/+3. "

In CryptoSpells, which aims for a simple game with few card types, we aim for a 1% adoption rate as a basic card for white civilization.

Agree:176711 Disagree:133245 Images en web card484 Golden Wind / Change the card cost from "1" to "0"

In CryptoSpells, which aims for a simple game with few card types, we aim for a 1% adoption rate as a basic card for white civilization.

Last updated