NFT convert collaboration

We will introduce CryptoSpells' NFT conversion collaboration titles, corresponding NFTs, and how to convert them.

How to convert NFT

Before starting the conversion operation, please move the NFT you want to convert onto the Ethereum chain.

Transferring from within the Crypto Spells game to the Ethereum chain is possible on the individual page of the NFT you own. Here for the page of NFT cards owned by users :

① Access etherscan:

② Enter the “NFT contract address” you want to convert in the search field and search.

③ Select the “Contract” tab and select the “Read Contract” tab.

④ Enter "your wallet address" in the owner field of "isApprovalForAll", enter "convert contract address" in the operator field, and press qwery. If the result is false, go to ⑤; if the result is true, go to ⑦.

⑤ Select the “Write Contract” tab.

⑥ Enter the "conversion contract address" in the to field of "setApprovalForAll", enter "true" in the approved field, and press Write.

⑦ Enter the “conversion contract address” of the NFT you want to convert into the etherscan search field and search. Select the "Contract" tab, then select the "Write Contract" tab

*Choose AliceToBob for Mycryptoheroes, and BobToAlice for Cattles, Bravefrontierheroes, and CHOJO.

My Crypto Heroes (MCH)

MCH Hero

NFT Contract Address: 0x273f7F8E6489682Df756151F5525576E322d51A3

Convert Contract Address: 0xad8c2948faa3274e3f5abfdb3015819f049c02ae(convertFromAliceToBob)

xxx is the serial number

MCH Extension

NFT Contract Address: 0xdceaf1652a131F32a821468Dc03A92df0edd86Ea

Convert Contract Address: 0x683f6e80c378e57fea188d53f4440600e87abc46(convertFromAliceToBob)

xxx is the serial number

Cattles syndrome (Cattles)

NFT Contract Address: 0xE5dD92b6110e58ff46cfb174bC190bd9c1166998

Convert Contract Address: 0xEB43d299251fc803DBb572d747F8A2D60656a053(convertFromBobToAlice)

xxx is the serial number


NFT Contract Address: 0x6fa769eed284a94a73c15299e1d3719b29ae2f52

Convert Contract Address: 0xa8bc974489ce5952221725e10bc7a82ab5652c76(convertFromBobToAlice)

xxx is the serial number



NFT Contract Address: 0x218f7bede2349a3a25b2ab688b9553e602e5f95b

Convert Contract Address: 0xb9deca59976db102048b023446934bd173683440(convertFromBobToAlice)

xxx is the serial number


VenusScramble's NFT conversion was an offline conversion method within the VenusScramble site. VenusScramble is currently out of service and conversion is not possible.

Last updated